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January 27, 2023

The Island of Cebu, situated in the central Visayas region of the Philippines, is known for its rich history and culture. A number of historical sites in the province offer visitors a glimpse into our history and a better understanding of our culture. From religious sites to the oldest of churches since the 1500s, scattered all over Cebu…we give you the Top 5 Best Historical Places.

Magellan's Cross - The historical landmark known as Magellan's Cross, which is situated in the heart of Cebu City, marks Ferdinand Magellan's landing in the Philippines in 1521. Magellan planted a cross to signify the conversion of Cebuanos to the Roman Catholic faith. Rajah Humabon converted to Christianity and was baptized together with his wife and hundreds of native warriors.

Sto. Niño Church - Basilica del Sto. Niño is a miniature figure of the Child Jesus that is it was a gift by Ferdinand Magellan to Rajah Humabon of Cebu in 1521. Through this, the Christian faith was introduced to the Filipino people. The child Jesus or as the locals call "Señor Sto. Niño" is housed in the church of Basilica del Sto. Niño - one of the country's oldest religious institutions and one of the oldest sacred relics in the Philippines. It is believed that the Sto. Niño grants people's wishes if they complete the 9-day Novena Prayer that takes place during The Feast of the Sto. Niño.

Taoist Temple - Taoist Temple - Quite popular with tourists for its extraordinary sculptures, many of which are decorated with artistic carvings. First and foremost, the Taoist Temple is a house of worship for Buddhists. This place also provides a stunning overview perspective of Cebu City.

Fort San Pedro - During the Spanish rule, a conquistador Miguel López de Legazpi built Fort San Pedro as a military defense fortress. It is the oldest and the smallest fort in the Philippines. It offers quite a stunning vantage point over Cebu City. Situated near Plaza Independencia, quite a very well-known park among the locals.

Lapu-Lapu Shrine - Very popular among locals and tourists is a historical landmark at Punta Engaño, Lapu Lapu City. There stands a 20-foot bronze statue built in honor of Rajah Lapu Lapu, a Mactan Island native chief who fought against the Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan and won the epic Battle of Mactan in 1521. Rajah Lapu Lapu is regarded as the first Filipino Hero in modern Philippine Culture. Commemorating Lapu Lapu's valor in the fight against the Spaniards, monuments in honor of him have been erected across the Philippines. In the same area is also the Magellan Shrine, which is dedicated to the Battle of Mactan commemorating Filipino bravery.

All of these historical places are the best of Cebu's rich cultural heritage and history. Although many more can be listed up here, search our directory for Historical Places or Religious Sites by directory.

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